David M. Barker

David Barker

President, Caliber Commercial Properties

Hometown: New Albany, IN

Education: David has a Bachelor of Science in Business and an MBA from Indiana University Southeast.

Community Support: David is active in the community volunteering with Metro United Way and is also a volunteer youth lacrosse coach.

Occupation: David is the President of Caliber Commercial Properties.

Family: David is married to Lisa and they have two children, Blair and Preston. 

How was volunteerism encouraged in your family or community? Growing up, my mother set the example by volunteering at my elementary and middle school. If there was a field trip or school-wide event, she was always there helping in some way. Today, my wife and I both volunteer our time at our children’s schools. I have been a youth lacrosse coach and volunteer for nine years. I have encouraged this in my family by supporting my daughter who started her own 501(c)(3) as a teenager that collects donated prom dresses and provides them to students in need. 

How does healthcare support a thriving community? Access to healthcare helps a community thrive through illness prevention or early detection when the illness is more treatable.

How can gratitude help heal you spiritually, physically and emotionally? It has been proven that practicing gratitude can boost your mood, improve mental health, and even lower blood pressure. I think this is why the holidays are so special because it is a time on the calendar where we traditionally show our gratitude for our blessings and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Can you imagine our world if we all practiced gratitude daily or even monthly?