Andrea Watson, MD

Andrea Watson, MD

Physician, Watson Family Medicine

Hometown: Elizabethtown, KY.

Education: Eastern Kentucky University (Richmond, KY), St. George’s University (Grenada, West Indies), University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY).

Community Support: Baptist Health Foundation Hardin Board

Occupation: Owner and physician at Watson Family Medicine in Elizabethtown

Family: Dr. Watson and her husband Eric have three children.

Why is it important for you to serve on the Baptist Health Foundation Hardin Board? I want to ensure I provide a voice for physicians in the community on the board and advocate for them when it comes to allocating funds. Our area patients are at the heart of my work on the board.

As a physician, what do you find uniquely rewarding about working in this community? I value the connections with my patients. Oftentimes, it’s not just a physician-patient relationship but also a friendship. I enjoy being able to celebrate even the smallest medical improvements with my patients. At the end of the day, it’s all about patient quality and patient care.

What does gratitude mean to you and what are you grateful for? I am grateful to live and work in a community that truly embraces each other.