Vickie Moberly
Retired, Madison County Schools & Eastern Kentucky University; Chair of Community Relations Committee
Hometown: Richmond
Education: Vickie has a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and a Master’s in Education from Eastern Kentucky University.
Occupation: Vickie is a retired teacher and administrator
Family: Lucy, her beloved mixed breed dog
How was volunteerism encouraged in your family or community? Volunteerism was modeled in my family as I observed my parents serving in a variety of roles at church. However, my first real experience with volunteering personally was as a senior in high school when our Senior Activities Club accepted the responsibility of serving the student body in a variety of ways as well as raising funds to purchase toys for the patients being treated at the Shriner's Hospital for Crippled Children. I remember the excitement and anticipation I felt as we were loading everything on the bus for the trip to Lexington, and later, the sheer joy I experienced seeing the looks on the children's faces and hearing their squeals of delight. I was hooked! The act of giving with no expectation of a tangible reward is priceless, and our community offers so many opportunities to engage in helping others that an individual could volunteer for a different organization or purpose every day.
How does healthcare support a thriving community? Healthcare is a critical "quality of life" component for any thriving and growing community. Access to excellent healthcare is a major consideration for individuals and businesses planning to locate in a community, and as a result, has a significant impact upon the local economy. Healthcare is an asset that contributes to greater economic productivity, an investment that promotes planning for the future, and a bridge to realizing the benefits of education.
How can gratitude help heal you spiritually, physically and emotionally? Whether you choose to write a few sentences in a journal or silently pause to recount the things for which you are thankful, gratitude can transform your life. Approaching each day with the intent of finding something to appreciate, to enjoy, or to share is sure to lift your spirits, increase your physical well-being, and promote feelings of self-esteem, happiness and contentment. On my desk, I have a quote that reads "Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen." Having that mindset opens each day to countless opportunities to experience gratitude as well as demonstrate thankfulness and appreciation to others, all of which contribute to a greater sense of wholeness and well-being.