Mother & Baby Care at Baptist Health Deaconess Madisonville

Mother Baby Care at Madisonville

Two little blue lines can spark many emotions as you begin to prepare for one of the most significant changes you will ever undergo – becoming a parent.

Emergency department nurse Megan White was prepared for what was to come when she found out that she was expecting her third child. She began receiving prenatal care around eight weeks with the typical onslaught of tests that are required at a first visit: lab work, updating medical history, prescreening for gestational diabetes, a bedside ultrasound.

“I felt fully supported immediately during our first visit,” Megan said. “I began seeing Dr. Fisher and we were going over my desire to have a second VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean), and she became my biggest cheerleader. She assured me that if you had success with the last, you are just as capable a second time around.”

After undergoing the standard glucose test around 32 weeks, Megan began testing sugar levels four times a day and was put on medication to level out her blood sugar.

“I was worried,” she said. “All I could think about was having another large baby, or worse, another NICU stay. Dr. Fisher reassured me that if she wasn’t worried, then I wasn’t to be worried either. That truly helped me. I knew that she truly had my best interests at heart and wanted the best possible outcome for me and my baby.”

Megan had to be induced at a little over 37 weeks but was comforted by her physician being present through the entire induction. Dr. Fisher never failed to make it a point to make consistent rounds to ensure she was comfortable and progressing as planned.

“That kind of care isn’t something that you can get everywhere,” Megan said. “Larger hospitals don’t allow you to develop personal relationships with your physician or feel like more than just a number, here I feel like family. Our OB unit is truly a privilege for our rural area. Those women helped empower me many times during my moments of broken confidence and helped me to successfully deliver my third baby and be discharged to reunite our new family of five.”